Thursday, July 12, 2012

What I'm Reading

The Story: We're reading through this in my Frisco Bible Church small group. It takes the Bible and makes it read like a novel. Very cool and easy to understand. I have really enjoyed this unique way of studying God's word. And, yes, I am reading the Teen Edition.

The Man in the Mirror: This was a gift to our church's dads on Father's Day, so maybe I should not have picked one up. My wife said it was alright because I am a dad to two cats, and hopefully a future father to people. Anyway, it was the end of second service and there were a ton of them left, so I don't feel too bad. That said, I rifled through the first few chapters on the beach last week and am looking forward to the rest. More than anything, I enjoy knowing that it's not just me going through these problems. There are men everywhere with major struggles and God is there with solutions.